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"I think RISE is such a unique and exciting place to work out. There are always familiar faces and it’s drama free, which I LOVE. I also like that I can buy a snack or a birthday present at a 5 am class. That’s super handy!" -Amy Storm

Why did you choose RISE? JOSH: To be honest, cost efficiencies. I belonged to another club primarily for spin classes while Amy was committed to RISE. It wasn’t until the CYCLE Studio opened that I considered making the move. I wasn’t really interested in the other class formats as I didn’t think it was for me. Then I went to KETTLEBELL as my first class and BAM! I was hooked-- even though I think I may have flat lined after that class. Guess I had some core work to do. AMY: I love the variety of classes and try to take advantage of the different formats throughout the week. I work out early morning to be home before my kids are awake. Even still, I always have several class options, which is great. I also love the ease of walking in and walking out without the hassle of a locker room. It’s super efficient for my busy schedule. Tell us what motivates you? This could be related to workouts or life. JOSH: Now that rise offers CYCLE, I can get both types of workouts. But most importantly, I like that no one gives me a hard time about how much I’m sweating in class. AMY: I love the camaraderie at RISE. It’s unlike any other place offering not just great class formats, but the RISE Challenge is always so encouraging and informative. It’s amazing how quickly we can forget what really healthy eating looks like. What are your short-term and long-term workout goals? AMY: I strive to live a healthy lifestyle, to be stronger and feel confident in how I look and present myself to others. But most importantly, I want to show my daughters the importance of staying active and committed to exercise for a healthy lifestyle. Aside from class format and schedules specifically, what do you like about RISE? Josh: Boot camp! When I’m done, I feel like death. After I shower and get my first cup of coffee, I still feel like death and want to sleep all day. I’m sore until the next class I take. BUT… I also feel REALLY amazing which keeps me coming back for more. Amy: I’m tired when I get there, because it’s usually still dark, but energized when I leave. It’s good stuff. I love getting my workout done early, so I don’t have to think about it all day! What’s your favorite junk food? AMY: My favorite junk food is probably chips and guac --and a lot of it. Josh: Chocolate chip cookies and pizza Amy: I forgot, chocolate chip cookies too! What’s your favorite healthy food? AMY: Since the first Challenge, my body craves fruit / veggie smoothies. If I’m feeling depleted and make one, I bounce back fast. My favorite treat (which Josh and I call our Friday smoothie) is spinach, almond milk, flax, cocoa powder, banana and peanut butter. Yum! What has been your very favorite vacation/trip? Where do you want to go? AMY: My favorite family vacation was a trip to Turks and Caicos. Not only did I feel good in my bathing suit because I had just finished a Challenge, we had little internet access so we spent time talking, playing at the beach, playing card games…bonding. Oh, and a lot of sleeping! JOSH: Ireland is a place I would love to go, Australia is also high on my list!


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