No matter where you are starting, our goal is to help you Rise in your wellness with a unique, customizable program with a confidential 1:1 approach for you.
Rise is offering a wellness coaching program adapted from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. The core concepts of IIN emphasize:
Bio-Individuality approach which recognizes that everyone has different needs.
Primary Food refers to what nourishes us OFF the plate and focuses on the full picture of wellness: relationships, joy, health, spirituality, career, community, physical activity, and home cooking.
Secondary Food is the food on our plate that nourishes our bodies. Our approach focuses on a "back to the basics" traditional diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, quality protein sources and healthy fats from real food. A non-restrictive, bio-individual approach to food increases good-for-you foods that are unique to the specific client and crowds out foods that are harmful.
After an assessment of the current state of your wellness, you will work with a coach for a minimum of 3 months to bridge the gap in the areas where you would like to see your wellness grow. Flexible start dates and meeting schedules, plus customized programming, make this opportunity available to all.
To receive more information and assessment forms, email info@risefitandwell.com.