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My RISE journey began in the summer of 2015. It was a solid year that a good friend had been trying to encourage me to give RISE a shot. I was nervous and timid thinking I wasn’t “in shape enough” but at the same time, I knew that the same old gym routine on the treadmill and elliptical were no longer cutting it. Finally, I built up enough courage to dip my toe in the water and try two group classes during the RISE Anniversary weekend – Fusion 101 and Pilates 101. I was hooked. I repeatedly found new challenging classes that pushed me out of my comfort zone. I never thought I’d love the group format so much. There’s a running joke among my workout friends that we have “Riseitis: a condition of feeling so awesome when you complete a RISE class and anticipating the next.

In September when two of my three children were in school, I made a conscientious decisions to give myself the gift of 90 minutes to workout and take some much needed time to better myself. This was the best decision I ever made. After having three kids I felt the urge to set new goals and redefine who I was again – finding the best version of me. And RISE is the place that helps me on that journey.

The instructors are great at challenging you to move outside of your comfort zone. Yet at the same time, look around any class at RISE and witness clients all doing the same workout at varying levels. It’s quite obvious that everyone is on their own personal journey. We’re all juggling a lot with families, work, activities and just about every other demand life presents. It’s difficult to find time but you feel amazing once you commit. If you’re intimidated, I welcome you to join me in the back row. (I have a strong back row policy. And there are plenty others like me. We’ve talked about a support group.) Truthfully, it’s the best decision you’ll make for yourself.

There were plenty of times that I almost threw in the towel because I wasn’t reaching my goals quickly enough and I let self-doubt get the best of me. The RISE staff quickly pulled me out of my slump and reassured me that I could achieve my goals. They offered the support I needed when I needed it. And I’m doing things I never thought were possible nine months ago. I’m not overwhelmed any longer by the thought of challenging classes. Instead, I focus on a particular move or exercise that I couldn’t do as well several months earlier. When I realize how much stronger I am and how much I accomplished, it’s amazing. Of course there will always be ways to improve and that’s the very reason I continue to work out at RISE – it’s a constant challenge. And I know I have the support and comoradre of every single RISER on this journey.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention one of the biggest reasons I’m able to workout at RISE –the staff in the children’s room. My daughter spends a lot of time at RISE and without the wonderfully caring and considerate childcare staff, I would never have this time. As anyone knows, it’s tough to contain and entertain a room full of toddlers. And there are times that the staff goes above and beyond the call of duty –for instance, my daughter took a trip to Zumba (her dream come true) while I was in a Cycle class until she composed herself. Everyone realizes how difficult it can be to carve out the time to fit in a workout when you have young children. My sincere thanks a thousand times over to everyone who makes it possible for me to stay on the path to success.

The only regret I have relating to RISE is that I hadn’t started sooner. It’s made me a better person, mom and wife. I’ve realized the importance of being a healthy role model for my children. I hope I inspire them to be the best they can be in life through my actions.

I guarantee you will spend time with amazing people, support and encourage each other. It’s a community I’m grateful for every single day.


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