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FINDING (an unexpected) place in group fitness

Even though Kathy Cabral had always been too self conscious for group fitness, thinking she wasn't in good enough shape, when she saw a friend post about RISE on social media in 2014, she decided to break out of her at-home workout routine and give it a try.

Seven years later, Kathy is still finding the variety she needs at RISE. She has been attending in-person classes regularly since that first class 7 years ago and has done most of the RISE Challenges since 2016. "Starting in mid-March last year I began taking classes exclusively through Zoom and have continued throughout the pandemic," she says. "My frequency of RISE workouts has possibly even increased as a Zoom participant (as compared to pre-pandemic) because of the added flexibility."

First and foremost, Kathy says it has been the RISE instructors who have kept her coming all these years. "I love that they can provide physical challenges while recognizing each participant's distinct fitness level and goals, and that they take a positive vs. critical approach. I also really appreciate the focus on strength and what our bodies can do vs. how they look. Finally, I've found community at Rise; I've made and grown close friendships through partnering in challenges and taking classes together and love feeling at home in a fitness studio."

Read on to see why Kathy else has been dedicated to RISE for so many years and why its the place to achieve wellness goals.

What are the greatest benefits RISE provides to its clients?

RISE is so good at individualized instruction, both generally and as needed for particular clients. The instructors seamlessly offer various options depending on injuries, desired intensity and equipment. The class options, from in person, live Zoom and pre-recorded give so many options for working out now also that work for everyone's schedule and comfort level. Not being an early Riser [pun intended], I'm so grateful for the option to choose from all classes since I can now sign up via Zoom and take a recorded class later in the day in between work calls, after kids' activities, etc.

What are your wellness or fitness goals, and where is RISE's place in helping you get there?

At this point I'm just trying to stay active and healthy both for stress relief and physical health. Working out is my therapy!

What achievements has RISE helped you reach thus far?

I have numerous RISE Challenges to thank for being at a place where for one of the first times in my adult life I'm not actively trying to lose weight!

Outside of the classes, are there any other more intangible benefits you find at RISE?

YES! RISE and working out generally are absolutely my primary source of stress relief and the community at Rise makes me feel connected even when I'm working out from home/Zoom. Rachel has been so kind as to pre-record shout-outs for me so when I take a Zoom class after the fact via recording I still get that encouragement!

Lastly, what would you tell a friend or community member considering joining RISE?

Definitely try it - it is so much more than just workout classes!


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