Toying with whether you should participate in the RISE Fitness + RISE Cycle 2017 RISE-OLUTION Challenge? Here's a little motivation for you on this first Monday of the new year: a personal reflection from a first-time RISE-OLUTION Challenger, who has since gone on to participate in multiple RISE Challenges. This journey of fitness and health can be yours too, but you must want it!
I had watched friends complete previous RISE
Fitness Challenges, but I wasn't sure it was for me. However, when the New Year Challenge was announced--and knowing my sister's wedding would fall toward the end of the challenge--I decided to give it a go. And am I so thankful I did!
My goal coming into the challenge was to lose weight. What I got out of this challenge is so much more. Not only have I lost almost 20 pounds, but I've lost inches, tried new foods I before had no knowledge of, learned to curb cravings, developed what I hope to be long-lasting healthy eating habits, made new friends, and most importantly, realized that I'm only as strong as I push myself to be.
Thank you, RISE Fitness + RISE Cycle, for teaching me to love myself through healthy choices.
Since starting the challenge, I've learned to love burpees, how to make a delicious and healthy green juice smoothie, the benefits of planning ahead, to find the value in an early morning workout, and--best of all--how to put myself first.
As a mom and wife with many commitments, I tend to put myself last. Thank you, RISE Fitness + RISE Cycle, for teaching me to love myself through healthy choices. This challenge has been just that, but the changes made over the past 8 weeks are ones I plan to continue for the years to come. I thoroughly enjoyed RISING to this challenge and can't wait for the next one! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Want to RISE to the RISE-OLUTION Challenge? If so, get ready for a transformative fitness journey. The RISE-OLUTION Challenge begins January 8, 2017, and ends March 5, 2017. The information session for those that have never participated and would like to learn more about it will be January 4, 2017, at 8pm. For those that have signed up, the kick-off meeting will be Saturday, January 7, 2017, at 9:30am. Participants must enroll prior to 10am on January 5, 2017. Click here to commit to your health in 2017!